Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My profil

Hello everybody!!
My name is François Nicolas. I was born and brought up in chimay in the south of belgium. I'm in my laste year in College Sint- Joseph, still in chimay. I'm particulary enjoying this year because it's the last and everybody wants to make the most of it. So we are having a lot of fun together.
After this year I'm going to study physical education in Louvain-la- Neuvre. Shortly after I want to take a year off and to go to Amsterdam to learn Dutch. I've always dreamt of being a professional footballer and if I don't manage to, I would like to pe a physical preparator in a professional football club in belgium. So to know a second language could be a real advantage to find this kind of job.
I've always enjoyed doing sport since I was a child. My proudest moment was when I joined the football team of Olympic Charleroi 2 years ago. Shortly after I scored for the first time; I was so happy! Since this year I play in baileux. We are first in the competition and the nexte week, we are going to play against Momignoise, the threest in the competition. That promises to be a real struggle!! Don't hesitate, come along to see this match!
To finish this profil, my motto would be : peace , love and sport!


  1. Hey man!
    That's a Jolaïe profile!
    You wrote that this year is the last one in the CES but for some people (I don't aim at myself^^) it MAYBE won't be the last year!! Don't sell the bear's skin before killing it xD

  2. Hey François.

    Cool profile. I think it's so cool seeing so many people wanting to become teacher's and the fact that you want to learn a second language is pretty awazing and, trust me on this, a lot of fun. It would be awesome to see you play football porfessioanlly because then I could say I went to school with that guy. lol. Great motto by the way. Peace.
